What is your vagus nerve?
The vagus, or wandering, nerve, is the body’s 10th cranial (emanating from the brain) nerve connecting the brain to the gut, allowing them to communicate back and forth.
The vagus nerve connects not only your brain with your gut but also your brain with the rest of your vital organs including the lungs, heart, stomach, liver, spleen, colon and other parts in the abdominal cavity.
The vagus nerve is involved in “the regulation and slowing of the human heartbeat” and has been found to have “remarkable control over the body’s immune system, playing major roles, for instance, in fighting inflammation”.
We should all pay attention to our vagus nerve because it is central to the parasympathetic, your body’s “rest-and digest”, nervous system.
If you know how to stimulate your vagus nerve in a pleasant way, then you can reduce and disrupt the patterns of unpleasant communication between your nervous system and other parts of your body so that your body can rest and heal.
So begin today on things like more hugs, tea, meditation, feeling your emotions, intimacy, laughing, smiling and the list goes on… that will all help stimulate your vagus nerve which gives you the pleasure factor!