
School Director @DW, SEPTEMBER 2020


In the summer of 2016, my wife (choreographer Gina Patterson) and I were teaching a summer intensive in Bozeman, Montana. A colleague, who had been to DW to audition students for a summer program in the neighboring town Big Sky, suggested that we make the drive to Jackson to “check out what Babs has built there”. So we did. 

That meeting led to a Guest Artist Residency in November, where I taught in The School at DW and Gina worked with Contemporary Dance Wyoming (CDW) for two weeks. In what I now know to be classic Babs at DW: three weeks later – in 10 feet of snow – Gina and I (along with 2 cats and a moving truck) had moved to Jackson.

I have been in the dance field since 1989. Performing into my 40’s while creating, directing, producing, and teaching gives me wide insight into the diverse needs of the art form. Passing on the knowledge gained from this experience to our DW students is what moves me. 

Dance education provides so much more than technique. Dedication, critical thinking, perseverance, creativity, teamwork, self-acceptance, delayed gratification… the list could go on and on. 

Here at The School at DW, we believe in training well-rounded humans who dance. They may not all become professionals – although many alumni have – but they will be future leaders, patrons, donors, board members… lovers of dance. They are better students, adults, and citizens because of their dance training. We are so very proud of them.



Eric Midgley, School Director

Board President @DW, AUGUST 2020

Over forty years ago, I took my first ballet class at Dancers’ Workshop. I looked forward to pulling up my pastel pink leg warmers, standing just behind and to the left of the teacher and waiting for the music to set me free. I love dance. From the fashion to the classroom to the stage it shaped me as a young person, adding layers of creativity and expression to my life. Today, my younger daughter, Izzy, is part of The School at DW family and I am honored to be DW Board’s new president.  

The company has grown up since we occupied Nora’s Fish Creek Inn, then the basement spaces below the Pink Garter Theatre. Under the leadership and vision of Babs Case for the past 25 years, DW is recognized as a world-renowned dance organization and frequently partners with many of the most influential choreographers, dancers and performing arts companies. Babs’ passion for creativity, movement and all art forms has afforded our community access to spectacular, thought-provoking artists.  This accessibility could not come to fruition without the generosity of donors who underwrite these programs every year. 

And as a non-profit organization, The School (K-12) and the Adult Program (year round movement classes and workshops for ages 16+), that exists to provide the future’s world-class artists and arts’ supporters, generates only half of what it costs to bring these opportunities to the community. We are so grateful to Babs, her staff and all the students, clients and audience members that continue to participate, ensuring we can make this happen year after year.


Please join me in celebrating Dancers’ Workshop and the extraordinary talents that move us to be connected to each other, to our community and to the captivating world of dance.

Even in this unprecedented year, we are so grateful to continue to keep you moving through these offerings. 

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Jen Prugh Visosky, DW Board President